Thursday, January 8, 2015

Positive and Sincerity :)


I first saw a video someone post in facebook about helping homeless people
then i get excited to see more of that kind of videos
I searced in youtube 
and lately I spent quite a lot of time watching various videos of helping homeless people
(I think it's quite productive haha)
the videos are very heartbreaking u know , and I was happy to see those kind people .
they help them by giving money , foods , presents and a lot more !

I am quite touched to see that there are also some people who made the homeless people they met a 360 degree change ! 
wow , they brought them to a haircut , shopping some new clothes , shoes , booked hotel rooms for them to stay , treated them lunch in steak restaurants ( u know that kind of things these homeless people never experienced )
then , they posted the videos in youtube and even start fund raising for these people
with that , this homeless people got a job
and at the end , one homeless people who are now well-lived help another homeless people !
u can see that beautiful chain ? a little act of kindness really could change everything !

- - - - - - - - - - - ACTUALLY - - - - - - - - - -

That's not my main point 
I'm a type of person when I watched videos , I love to read the comments 
I love to know what other people think
I didn't agree with the negative comments 
u know like people said they post in youtube to get some fame , to show to the world that they are kind and all
I know that everyone thinks differently but why not we be more positive
in everything we see , or anything that happened to us ,
we need to train ourselves to be positive-minded 
not searching for the bad thing in someone or something

If we learn from the video
I think that when a person post that such videos 
other person would eager to do the same thing too . then there's a chain and the people who are helping become more in number . Isn't that something good to spread ?
we must remembered ourselves that judging the sincerity of someone is something that is not do-able 
whatever they actually tend to show is not important
but what they do is something that is really nice and that's the only thing that we should look at

we can relate this with what happened here in our country ,
there are people who negatively think that some organisations were helping the flood victims because of politics and all , just stop this kind of thinking
whether it's true or not , that's something that we should not bother .

now im not talking about the video or the flood victims only ,
positive-minded should be practiced in everything in life :)
(and this is the main point actually)
and I myself are working on it too so let's !

let's read more about sincerity here

Thankyou for reading and feel free to share your thoughts :)

One of the videos I watched . This is the one I said that the homeless people change 360 degree !
u can search for his next video in youtube !

Sincerely by Amira Aina :)

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